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About our School

Picture of the school sign and administration building.


Seneca's PBIS reward program is aligned with our school-wide S.T.A.R.S. behavior expectations that are incorporated in weekly morning announcements.

S = Safe

T = Team Player

A = Accepting 

R = Responsible 

S = Scholars

Seneca's Pledge:

 "I pledge to be a safe, team player, who's an accepting, responsible scholar." 


Moreno Valley's hidden gem, Seneca Elementary School,  welcomed students and their families on August 1990.  Academic success, such as that which we experience at Seneca Elementary School, occurs when school and family work in partnership towards a common goal.

Setting high expectations for students, allowing students to be responsible for their own learning, and held accountable for their own behavior choices develops students' self efficacy and provides them the opportunity to take pride in their accomplishments.

Our students' social emotional learning is a top priority at Seneca. Behavioral expectations are implemented, monitored, and evaluated following the “Positive Behavior Intervention and Support” (PBIS) research-based process. 

Seneca's stakeholder involvement is what makes us Shining Stars. From our fabulous Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) leading the charge with our extra-curricular student clubs and events, to our amazing teachers and staff members going the extra mile to make sure all students' needs are met. Seneca Elementary truly believes it takes a village to raise a successful child. 

Who We Serve

Seneca Elementary proudly serves 471 students TK-5. 

Student Group Number Percentage
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 408 86.6%
Emergent Bilinguals
(English Learners)
69 14.7%
Students with Disabilities 86 18.3%
Students in Foster Care 2 4.2%

*These numbers reflect the 2023-2024 report on Dataquest. DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s web-based data reporting system for publicly reporting information about California students, teachers, and schools. 

Ethnicity Number Percentage
African American 76 16.1%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 0.0%
Asian 12 2.5%
Filipino 5 1.1%
Hispanic or Latino 302 64.1%
Pacific Islander 1 0.2%
White 43 9.1%
Two or More Races 19 4.0%
Not Reported 13 2.8%

*These numbers reflect the 2023-2024 report on Dataquest. DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s web-based data reporting system for publicly reporting information about California students, teachers, and schools.